Registration 2025-01-06T13:30:14+00:00

Registration for the Kirtan Mela

2025 01 10 – 2025 01 12


For overnight stay during Kirtan Mela

Devotees who will come to the Vilnius Kirtan Mela from other cities must arrange their own accommodation.

If you don’t know any devotees who live in Vilnius and could host you for a night, or if you live in Vilnius and would like to serve the devotees and host them for a couple of nights, post on the Lietuvos ISKCON Facebook website.

You can also always use the services of Vilnius hotels.


Price and Registration

The Kirtan Mela will be held at the Dvaraka Temple. We invite you to register for the Kirtan Mela now! Prasad will be distributed on Saturday and Sunday for breakfast and lunch.

You can register upon arrival at the event or by transferring donation to the account indicated below*:

participation on Friday    10€
participation on Saturday    35€
participation on Sunday    25€
participation on all days    60€
for children upon 12 years old    Donation for Prasadam

*When making an donation, please indicate which days you are registering for.

Beneficiary’s name    VSI KRISNOS FESTIVALIAI
Beneficiary address   Savanoriu pr. 37, LT-44255 Kaunas, Lithuania
Beneficiary country    Lithuania (LT)
Beneficiary’s account    LT827300010155841399
Beneficiary ID    304368084
Beneficiary bank name    „Swedbank“, AB
Beneficiary bank address    Konstitucijos pr. 20A, LT-03502 Vilnius, Lithuania
SWIFT code / BIC    HABALT22
Purpose of the payment    Donation for the Kirtan Mela event
    1 person Fri. Sat. Sun.


After making the bank transfer, please send by e-mail a payment order to

After we have verified the payments, we will send to you a confirmation letter about the received transfer.

Upon arrival at the Kirtan Mela, at the registration point, report the name and surname of the payer.

If you would like to participate but are unable to donate, please email us.
