Service at Padayatra
Everyone who attends the festival are engaged in some service. We try to create a spirit of cooperation and in this way create and a powerful preaching program.
If you’ve attended Padayatra festival before, most probably you already have a service. If not, please choose a department where you would like to serve and inform a head of that department about your existing or desired service.
If you’ve attended Padayatra festival before, most probably you already have a service. If not, please choose a department where you would like to serve and inform a head of that department about your existing or desired service.

Dhruvanath das
+370 630 68987
In charge of the kitchen team, which creates the menu, buys bhoga, prepares vegetables, transports the kitchen facilities and sets up the kitchen in a new place.

Guru Kitchen
Radharani devi dasi
Organizes prasadam for the guests.

Laundry of the Guests
Sulakshmana devi dasi
Organizes washing and ironing of the guests’ clothes.

Book Distribution
Bhakta Egidijus
Organizes book distribution in the festival: orders the books for the festival, gives out the books to book distributors, announces the book distribution results and counts the collected donations.

Mohini Shakti devi dasi
Buys flowers, organizes the making of garlands for the Deities and guests.

Bhaktin Syta
Main photographer of the festival.